Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mr T shirts

I have always been a big fan of the A Team so I figured what better to have than a Mr T T shirt. So here you go. Get it at

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Venice Beach

To me the T Shirt capital of the world still has to be Venice Beach, California. If you are looking for a T Shirt you can probably find it on Venice Beach. All the oldie but goodies are there plus all the new ones. Of course you can buy all this stuff on the internet now but there is just something really cool about being on Venice Beach. As dingy as its gotten it still holds a lot of charm, although it can get a little to crowded on the weekends. Here is a link to a pretty cool history of Venice Beach site Enjoy.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

T Shirts and artistic expression

I believe that T Shirts are becoming a form of artistic expression. I am totally not saying the basic grab a T Shirt and through it on is going by the way side....because that will never happen....but people are really starting to put a lot of time and energy into creating art on T Shirts. If you dont believe me check out couple of companies like or They are really trying to capture different forms of artistic expression in a T Shirt. As I see more companies like these I will certainly post them so you can check them out.

Monday, April 7, 2008

T Shirts for Charity

T Shirt companies all over the country are all asked on a continual basis if they can donate T Shirts to Charity. The fact of the matter is, is that if they were to honor all the requests made of them they would all go broke. Every one wants to help, but it is just not possible for all these companies to do it for free. So I would like to figure out some way where everyone can benefit. The fact of the matter is that non profits need T Shirts and T Shirts companies want to sell T Shirts.I have a few ideas that I believe will help both the non profits and the T Shirt companies and I am talking to a couple of companies about my ideas so I will let you know if any of them come to fruition.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Talk About T Shirts

A lot of people are looking for T Shirts on the internet. It is a huge and ever growing business. This blog is going to help sort out and find the best places for you to go if you need to find someplace to make T Shirts.